Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's rush hour. I'd rather be in Savasana.

Having re-joined the team at Downtown Yoga, I'm teaching a Power Yoga class in downtown Hartford, Tuesdays at 6:00 pm (starting about three months ago and ongoing).  If you work in downtown Hartford and need more than a thousand reasons to skip rush hour, come try Power Yoga... with me at Pratt Street's innovative, energetic Yoga den.

The benefits to finding space for a Yoga practice in your schedule far exceed the inconvenience and various excuses surrounding why you have not already done so.  A regular Yoga practice can offer you tools that will improve your body image, overall mood/outlook and alleviate stress.  Developing a willingness to slow down and practice Yoga can bring balance to our overstimulated modern-day lifestyles.   It's a process of using our minds to learn about our minds. 

The physical benefits of Yoga include and are not limited to increased core strength, better balance/posture, body awareness and flexibility.  A regular practice can make you aware of habitual, postural inadequacies that lead to chronic pain.  It's a process of noticing our bodies to learn about our bodies. 

At the risk of overstating and possibly even gushing, Yoga changed the direction of my life and continues to guide me in positive directions.  It brings together a diverse population of interesting and inspiring people who seek connection and community.  Elements of this ancient tradition can be made relevant and valuable to any modern, Western lifestyle.  It's a road that will always lead to new information so long as we practice curiosity and give ourselves permission to pay attention.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Introduction to Power Class

I will be teaching West Hartford Yoga's Introduction to Power Yoga class at 8:00 am on January 14th (Saturday).  It's only $6.00 to drop in!

All levels are welcome, including beginners; the room is heated to between 80-85 degrees and the studio is fully stocked with props.

WHY Power Yoga at West Hartford Yoga

Sunday, November 13, 2011

WHY Community Yoga?

West Hartford Yoga offers a weekly Community Yoga class, there is a $5.00 donation and every penny goes towards various charities.   I will be teaching Community Yoga on NOVEMBER 20th at 3:00 pm. bring your $5.00, for the community, and I will work, for free, to help you get your money's worth.

Free Yoga (or next to free Yoga) is an easy sell to those who understand the benefits they will receive from their time on their mats.  In addition, many personal Yoga practices were born from discounted trial memberships and free classes.  Most people hesitate to spend money on things that they are not sure they'll like, that they've never tried, that they have assumptions about or that they're concerned that they won't be good at; others have a hard time carving out time for themselves (time is valuable).  Others don't have the money to spend.

Several years ago, my friend Dan invited me, many times, to join him in the Power Yoga class he was taking.  I was training for my black belt and couldn't understand why I would take time away from training or pay money to do Yoga which I criticized for being bourgeois at $13-20 per class (it kind of is).  I accepted this invitation only when I found out that my first class would be free.  It was there that I encountered Ostrich Pose, which I could not do, not even to milk the value of my free class.   I will never forget and I remember every time I take or teach that pose how it felt to be in my first practice; the practice that taught me the value of Yoga.  I never would have paid for that discomfort!

Henry David Thoreau (one of America's first self declared Yogis) said, "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothing", I think the spirit behind this quote encourages accessibility; often those who need Yoga (or other health/wellness services) the most, can't afford it. Much to Lululemon's chagrin, and other companies that have latched onto the huge market that has formed in the wake of Yoga's rising popularity, you can wear whatever you want.  Studios that offer free Yoga also provide props, mats, space, instruction and community.  Check their schedules and call them with questions.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Free All Levels Yoga- Rescheduled

I am offering the Free All Levels Yoga class on November 13th, Sunday at 4:00 pm.  Bring your mat; friends and families are welcome.  The class will be at PHIT Pilates Studio 56 Arbor Street, Suite 221 Hartford.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Free Community Yoga Nov 6th, 4:00

I will be offering a FREE All Levels Yoga class on Nov 6, 4:00-5:00 pm.  The class will be held at PHIT Pilates Studio, 56 Arbor Street, Suite 221 Hartford. 

All Levels Yoga welcomes all students from beginner to more advanced. There will be a balance of flowing movements and deep holds. We will begin with a short meditation and end with guided relaxation.

RSVP on facebook, or email me!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marni Designs Chakras

My friend Marni Schiffres is a local jewelery artist; she's also an avid Yogi and instructor.  According to traditional Indian medicine, Chakras are energy centers located at different points in our bodies, and are associated with different traits, that can give and receive energy, life force.  Recently, Marni has been hard at work designing a new line of hand crafted, sterling silver jewelery.  Introducing Marni Designs Chakras: necklaces, anklets and more to come.  Decorate your favorite Yogi for the holidays with the energy of the Chakras.