The benefits to finding space for a Yoga practice in your schedule far exceed the inconvenience and various excuses surrounding why you have not already done so. A regular Yoga practice can offer you tools that will improve your body image, overall mood/outlook and alleviate stress. Developing a willingness to slow down and practice Yoga can bring balance to our overstimulated modern-day lifestyles. It's a process of using our minds to learn about our minds.
The physical benefits of Yoga include and are not limited to increased core strength, better balance/posture, body awareness and flexibility. A regular practice can make you aware of habitual, postural inadequacies that lead to chronic pain. It's a process of noticing our bodies to learn about our bodies.
At the risk of overstating and possibly even gushing, Yoga changed the direction of my life and continues to guide me in positive directions. It brings together a diverse population of interesting and inspiring people who seek connection and community. Elements of this ancient tradition can be made relevant and valuable to any modern, Western lifestyle. It's a road that will always lead to new information so long as we practice curiosity and give ourselves permission to pay attention.